logo_cornerTo welcome new members into SCJ, campus chapters often host annual initiation ceremonies. Chapters should utilize this text when conducting initiation rituals on their campuses. A downloadable SCJ Initiation Ritual PDF is available. We encourage chapters to send photos of their initiation ceremonies to scjnationaloffice@gmail.com.

Greeting (Presiding Officer)
(Presiding Officer and other officers shall be selected by the chapter. It is recommended that the chapter President and Vice President assume these roles, or the chapter adviser and President. When a National Council member is a guest of honor, he or she shall be the presiding officer.)

As Presiding Officer of this meeting of the Society for Collegiate Journalists, I greet with pleasure the candidates for admission.

You have been selected to be members of the Society for Collegiate Journalists because of your achievements in collegiate publications and broadcasting.

The Society, which is the nation’s oldest honorary society for collegiate mass communications, admits as members only those persons who exemplify the dignity, personal freedom, and initiative that we believe are the hallmarks of excellence in collegiate communications.

As a national honorary society for men and women, the Society attempts to provide its members the opportunity to discuss the journalist’s role and performance, to encourage the standards of good practice, and to enjoy the rewards of positive contributions to the betterment of mass communications and the public they serve.

Ethics and Practices (Other Officer)

Never in the history of mass communications has the role of the journalist been more important than it is today. The primary world links are the reports and reflections of the media. These links serve as the life-blood in disseminating information and commentary to the public, whether on the campus or in the city, nation, or world.

The Society for Collegiate Journalists challenges you as its newest members to remain aware of the world around you and to hold high its standards of ethics and practices, embracing the working principles conducive to worthwhile and significant journalistic contributions. As a candidate for initiation you are to repeat the following standards that the Society believes you as a journalist should uphold:

“I hereby pledge to:

(1) Gather all pertinent news and opinions concerning issues and events on the campus, striving at all times for accuracy and fairness.

(2) Safeguard the freedom of all campus media in order that they be able to serve the campus community without dictation, coercion, or restraint.”

In the judgment of the Society for Collegiate Journalists, these standards represent the highest precepts of enlightened and professional journalism.

The Pledge (Presiding Officer)

The Society now asks you to pledge to pursue only the highest ideals in one of the most demanding and most difficult professions of our time—journalism.

Will the members now stand and join with the initiates in reciting the pledge.

“I come before you seeking membership
in the Society for Collegiate Journalists.
I have read and understand
the National Constitution and Bylaws
and pledge to uphold
the ethical standards of this Society.
I also pledge to subscribe willingly
to the practice of freedom of expression
and will guard against
the abuse of this right.
I understand that I am held accountable
for the content of the printed page and broadcast,
and must stand firmly by what I believe
to be right and significant
for the campus community.”

The Society for Collegiate Journalists therefore urges you to value collegiate mass communications. As a member of the Society, you shall stand on your honesty of purpose, your belief in the work of the Society, and your intellectual integrity.

As you sign the Honor Roll, we welcome you into our councils. (Certificates and pins shall be awarded to each member upon his or her signing of the Honor Roll.)

End of Ritual